About a month ago I posted a hat I knit for Isabella. I said my next project was cupcakes. Well....they're finally done! I made 3. One for Isabella and 2 for her cottage friends Owen and Amira. They each got better as the pattern I used did not produce the results I wanted, so I tweaked what I didn't like about the previous one onto the new one. I know they're not the most appetizing looking cupcakes. Who would want to eat gray icing? But, I used what wool I had around. Inside I put a little bell so that the cupcake rattles. I'm sure the cats will love it. What cat doesn't love yarn and bells? If you are a knitter and interested in the pattern, here is the link: spudandchloe.com/blog
Next up, a caridgan for Isabella. Estimated completion date: summer 2012!
Isabella had her second swimming class today. She is the Starfish program. Amira and Jing take the class too. Today Isabella got dunked under the water. She came up and coughed a little, but didn't seem to mind it too much. She loves to kick her feet and splash the water all around.
The face says it all. I do an outdoor exercise class with Isabella twice a week in a park. She doesn't like to be cooped up in her stroller too long so I usually let her crawl in the grass. The city hasn't cleared the leaves in a while so at the last class I spent a lot of my time picking leaves out of Isabella's mouth. She also pulls her hat off non stop. Today I thought I would be smart and put mittens on her so she couldn't pick things up. She let me put them on her, but they obviously had some impact on her mood. During the whole walk to the class, she sat in her stroller, motionless and sad. It was heart breaking. But, by the time we got to the park, she had figured out how to take them off..and then pulled her hat off too. Tony's aunt Bonnie made the cute pumpkin hat.
No, Isabella didn't run 5k. She was merely a spectator with Tony as I crossed the finish line of the Goodlife Marathon 5k run. I ran with my friend Lisa. I'm thinking of doing another one soon. I couldn't believe that we both got bronze medals! That's 3rd place! It was a good experience, and nice to know that I can actually run 5k again.
(Note: everyone who ran the 5k got a bronze, that was the colour of the commemorative medal)
I bought Isabella a walker toy. She's been climbing all over the furniture and pulling herself up on things I thought she would enjoy the freedom of walking around. Didn't think about the fact that we have wood floors, so the walker is more of a "slider". Isabella requires constant supervision when using it so she doesn't knock out her 2 little chiclets.
No real reason for this post, other than Jing took some amazing photos at the cottage and I wanted to share them with everyone. Pictured are Amira, Fred and Jing's little girl. She is 15 months old. The little boy is Owen, Chris and Julie's son. He is 7 months.
The photo where all the babies are sitting on the couch together needs some kind of caption, like "We're gonna rough you up!" or "Baby Miami Vice. Coming to theatres near you", or something like that. I know there's a better caption out there, I just can't think of it right now. Email me if you have a good one.
On the Thanksgiving weekend we went to Tony's aunt and uncle's house in Milton for dinner. They have a big property, with animals all around. Being the animal lover that she is, Isabella couldn't resist going on a pony ride, petting a duck and swinging from a tree like the little monkey she is.
We also had my parents over for dinner on Sunday. Tony made a cornish hen which was delicious. While Tony was cooking, Babcia, Dziadzia and I took Isabella to the park.
It seems like just yesterday that Isabella was helpless and immobile. Now she moves, sits up in a shopping cart and her high chair, rides the subway during rush hour and so many other things that indicate she is growing and developing. Here are some big girl things she can do.