Here are some photos of recent events Isabella has partaken in.
The photo of Isabella in the pink track suit is her sporting her Jersey Shore look. She looks like she's doing the Italian hand talking gesture. "Hey, Guido! Don'ta make me break-a your legs-a!"
On Sunday we had 2 birthdays to celebrate. We went to visit my dad for his 60th birthday. Afterwards we went to our friends Beth and Dave's to celebrate their son Callum's first birthday. Isabella had her first tea party in the playroom with Callum's sister Maive and our goddaughter Julianna.
On Monday I had to run a quick errand and left Isabella with my friend Stephanie and her 6 month old son Oliver. They live on our floor. Isabella goes to swimming lessons with Ollie now since Amira graduated from the Starfish level. Isabella enjoyed playing with Ollie's toys. When I left her she was wearing pink PJ's and when I picked her up they were blue. Isabella quickly found where the dogs' water bowl was and spilled it everywhere, including on herself. Stephanie said Isabella is good at sharing. She kept wanting to put her soother in Oliver's mouth (or eye). So cute.