So it's been a while since I've posted. I am back at work, so is Tony and Bella goes to daycare. Our days are busy. I thought I was busy while I was on maternity leave, but that was a beach compared to balancing everything now that I'm working. I have much more appreciation for what moms do.
Here are a few photos from our vacation. Time is limited so I can only wait a limited amount of time for the photos to upload before I have to move on to marking assignments, packing lunches and sleeping of course.
Isabella surprised us with how great she travelled. We had no problems on the airplane. On the way there we got lucky and had an empty seat in our row. Isabella slept when she was tired and there were absolutely no cries from her. We were worried about her sleeping in new environments, cribs that looked like they were from 1920s orphanages but she fared very well. She even fell asleep when Tony and I ordered room service and watched TV, even though we were all sharing a room.
On the first day we were in Hawaii, Isabella started walking. And not just a few steps. She had taken a few first steps in Toronto, but then held off. Tony and I were unpacking our bags in the hotel room on Oahu and Isabella started walking around the room, inspecting everything. She walked to the bed, then the dresser. Checked out the washroom and looked out the balcony. It was as though she knew how to walk all along, but was just keeping it a secret. We suspect she was so tired and jet lagged that she didn't even know what she was doing. As each day went on she became more and more confident with her walking. She also wanted to walk all the time. It would take as 15 minutes to get from our room to the elevator because she wanted to walk. If we tried to carry her to speed things up, she went rigid in our arms. She was definately on Hawaii time.
Isabella also survived a tsunami! Where we were staying was not affected the same way as the big island was. We were lucky to be staying in a resort high above sea level that we were not evacuated. Other than the beaches being closed for a few days after the tsunami, we didn't feel any negative impact on our holiday.
That is all for now. I have more things to say, but I'll save it for later.
One thing Tony and I did learn is that vacations are not the same when you take them with a child. We also learned that the climate in Hawaii gives Isabella the cutest curls!