Isabella is becoming more and more independent and grown up. Some of the skills she's picked up lately include blowing her nose (which she does every chance she gets). She has yet to distinguish between a hankerchief for blowing your nose into and clean laundry I just folded and put in the basket.
She's pretty inconsistent with her eating. One day she'll love beef stew, the next day she hates it. So I tried something new. I gave her a fork to hold to distract her while eating. She now stabs toast and other food onto her fork and puts it in her mouth all by herself. Feeding is no longer a battle, just a bigger mess.
For the past week I've been putting Isabella on her potty. In the last potty blog I wrote that she hadn't gone in it yet. Well, she goes everyday now! #1 and #2! A lot of it is by chance. She doesn't have any signal she gives me when she needs to go, I just guess, although it is easier to tell when a #2 is happening.
She also knows a few words. She consistently says ball, mama, dada.
(More Photos to come later)
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